Saturday, June 21, 2008


I' ve eaten soba many times, but none made justice to the one i had at YABUSOBA. It's so delicious i wanted to eat another one but since my friend was treating me, i couldn't be so full of gluttony, futhermore i was full. we had to wait for awhile, the line was always there. u could tell from the moment u set feet into the restaurant compound that there was something different about it. It radiates some historical aura without trying too hard. its natural. And the moment i set foot into the shop, i knew this was a killer.

Later i found out from my buddy that this restaurant dates back to the Meiji Era. it started in 1880. it was destroyed in the Great Kanto Earthquake in 1923. it was rebuilt and has eversince been managed by 3 generations so far..great isn't it? i ordered prawn tempura soba atatakai (hot) and my friend ordered the sumetai (cold) soba with fish paste on top. both were superbly delicious. but i prefer hot soba..(so far)...

i cant wait to go again!!!!


* Realize that the letter 'bu' of YABU is written differently. its the mukashi (ancient) 'BU' before being simplified. cool!


debbie 10 said...

umm i was under the rotary youth exchange program and they happened to be members of my hosting club so voila!

pardon me but you seem to be more of a soba enthusiast than me :D
actually ramen is my cup of tea, or soup.
but the soba with mountain vege sold at the convenience stores tasted real good when i had it for dinner yesterday!


are u here on a vacation?

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